
‘LOC’ method: Supercharging Your Productivity on Phone

How would you love to have screen time on your phone that does not come with guilt, absolutely guilt-free? Introducing the ‘LOC’ method to make sure time spent on your smartphone brings benefits to you. I completely agree that watching a movie or series to refresh your mind is of no harm but I give a big nay to mindless scrolling for hours. The ‘LOC’ method is simple, it is to question whether this time spent on the phone is useful to me? If not follow the three tips below and discover that ‘Learn’, ‘Organise’ and ‘Connect’ is superior to content consumption. This blog is an extension of my previous one about using social media mindfully. Read it here.

Learn: The Global E-Learning market is worth USD 76.08 billion in 2024. Such a big market offers us endless means to learn and develop skills. Be it books, podcasts, online tutorials, articles, scientific papers or news. Learning need not be boring with these options. Add some fun to your learning path by choosing subjects like makeup or guitar.

  1. Check out this list of apps I found. It is a unique list of underrated and most expected educational apps. For you to find inspo.

2. Need more inspiration? Learn How to study using YouTube, here.

Organise: Organising and cleaning up your space brings a sense of control. Start by removing the app that consumes the most amount of your time. These are some more ideas:

  • Clean up your social media by removing friends or people who don’t give good vibes, and delete pictures or messages of the same nature.
  • Clean up the notes app.
  • Update the to-do list.
  • Backup pictures, delete and organise pictures in the gallery.
  • Delete unused apps and update other app software.

Check this link to learn how to declutter your phone.

Create/Connect: The next best thing a smartphone can do is to create things or connect us to the world (At the end of a long day it feels good to talk to family or friends). After learning comes creation. Making stuff is difficult but rewarding. So keep at it. Below are a few ideas and these should make your life easier.

  • Make a shopping list.
  • Vision Board.
  • Plan meals or outfits.
  • Start a project/side hustle.
  • Create playlists.
  • Create connections.( ex: LinkedIn)
  • Here is an interesting list of apps used to create images for social media.
  • This is my recommendation, apps to create playlists. Here.

A Pro tip: Do not use your phone during small-wait-times like waiting in a line or waiting for laptop to load a program, this lessens chances of getting addicted to scrolling and reduces bad screen time.

Write your thoughts and suggestions down below in comments. I am always eager to hear from you.

PS: Do not forget to enjoy your new playlist. Until next time. 🙂