From Fun to Focus: A Playful Approach to Building Discipline
‘Numerous studies have suggested that self-discipline can bolster performance in tasks that require self-control and is linked to a range of positive outcomes, including academic success, decreased procrastination, and delayed gratification‘, as stated by an original research article, which you can find here. Self-discipline is an important trait to cultivate due to the fact that motivation can’t be guaranteed to be present every day. However, it is well known that bringing about self-discipline is difficult and tedious. Allow me to change that opinion. Here are 5 fun ways to improve self-discipline that are not brutal on you.
Gamification: All work and no play leads to burnout, before anything else. by putting energy into turning a boring task into a game you will bring back the enthusiasm seen at the beginning of the task. Hence makes it easier to get back to the task every day. A few tips for Gamification are:
tracking, rewards after each task/sub-task, and celebrating success. break down tasks into smaller modules, working with a team. Or you can learn and use the apps mentioned here that do it for you.
Adorn: This approach can be as simple as keeping your workplace clean and organized, applying a theme, painting it your favorite color or bringing in elements that make you put yourself all into something. Take a pick. Furthermore making sure your setup is comfortable adds one more reason to show up regularly. I do feel bad if I am about to break a streak!
An easier way to adorn the task is to get one of the habit-tracking apps that are listed here.
Accountability buddy: ‘Research studies have shown that publicly committing your goals to someone gives you at least a 65% chance of completing them. However, having a specific accountability partner increases your chance of success by 95%‘. (Read more here). A buddy can motivate and save you from slipping into a series of unproductive days( or less productive days). When the task is done together, you may find it less dull. My advice, find someone who shares your goals and is as committed.
Read this to learn about finding a virtual accountability buddy.
Productive pairing: In other words, put together something you have to do with something you want to do, and there you have it a win-win situation. You doing a task which you do not want to do (and also enjoying) that is text book definition for Discipline.
Like: 1: Listening to your choice of music while working out.
2: Eating healthy with family
3: Talking to loved ones when doing chores.
Find this topic better explained in this YouTube video.
Have something to look forward to: It is the little things in life that bring joy. At the end of an onerous task schedule time for whatever brings you joy. This helps you decompress and in the middle of the task should you have a desire to quit, the small joy helps you see the task through. Next day this system makes it easier to get the ball rolling. To give you an idea here are ways to create things to look forward to.
Dear friend, write down below in the comment section, which one of the 5 ways you would try and share it with your friends. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
until next time:)